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Silent Wonders

We welcome our colleagues, supporters and all those interested to what promises to be a very nice evening.

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Father Damien

Today marks the 135th anniversary of the death of Father Damien, a Belgian-born Roman Catholic priest and missionary who died of leprosy on Molokai Island, Hawaii.

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May God bless our great leprosy missionary in charge, Aunt Irénke Károlyné Szlukovinyi, who recently celebrated her 92nd birthday.

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We welcome our Supporters, Staff and Interested Parties living in and around Balatonalmádi to our event on 2 March 2024 at 10:00 am.

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We welcome our Supporters, Staff and Interested Parties living in Székesfehérvár and its surroundings to our event on 24 February 2024 at 10:00 am.

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World Leprosy Day 2024

Thank you to the many communities across the country who have commemorated the suffering on this day and sent donations to support the work being done among them!

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The history of Momen

Momen, this brave and determined soul was 9 years old when she was diagnosed with leprosy. Momen is a living example of persistent hope!

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The story of Elisa

Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, we are able to continue diagnosing children like Elisa and working towards a "zero" infection rate.

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The history of Asi

Asi's story is a mixture of courage and the shattering of dreams. We can ensure a happy future for Asi and her like-minded peers!

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The story of Raja

"I lived with fears and a trembling heart." These were the words of Raja, a 16-year-old Sri Lankan who, along with his parents, had to face leprosy in 2017.

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We cordially invite and welcome all our Supporters, Collaborators and all Interested Parties to our event on Saturday, 7 October 2023!

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