The role of our "leprosy champions" like Maria is invaluable in the eradication of leprosy! Maria is a member of the Mozambique Leprosy Commission and President of ALEMO (Association of recovered leprosy patients). At the time, she first went to a traditional healer with her complaints, and only when he could not help her did she turn to the health authorities. He was treated with medication. After his recovery, he joined a self-help group and is also a member of an 'outreach' group. These volunteers seek out new patients and persuade them to seek treatment. Maria says: "The people I helped were all leprosy patients. So you could say I saved these people!" - That's exactly right! Many more excellent rescuers like her are needed!

Kamal Uddin
Kamal Uddin, one of this year's Wellesley Bailey Award winners, who turned his encounter with leprosy into a force for change.